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Dip Nibs vs. Tipped Nibs

Dip Nibs vs. Tipped Nibs

Por Charles Ackerman

There are several differences between dip nibs and tipped nibs on fountain pens.They are both designed to move ink to the tip of the nib,...

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Preparing Dip Nibs for Use With Our Fountain Pens
Fountain Pens Nibs

Preparing Dip Nibs for Use With Our Fountain Pens

Por Charles Ackerman

Get in the habit of preparing dip nibs each time you use them. When you are using a new dip nib for the first time,...

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Expanding the Flow of Ink Through Quill Nibs
Ink Nibs

Expanding the Flow of Ink Through Quill Nibs

Por Charles Ackerman

Have you ever wondered how to expand the flow of ink through quill nibs? When you use a quill nib in an Ackerman pen, such...

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Why Manga G Nibs Take Time to Learn
Manga G Nibs

Why Manga G Nibs Take Some Time to Learn

Por Charles Ackerman

Manga G nibs seem perfectly suited for fountain pens. They are well made, durable, and are very popular. We put Manga G nibs into our...

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Polishing Sketch Nibs

Polishing Sketch Nibs

Por Charles Ackerman

It's a fact that surprises many people, but paper can wear down metal over continuous use. That’s why traditional fountain pen nibs are tipped with...

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Why You Need to Use Overfeeds with Flexible Dip Nibs
Nibs Overfeeds

Why You Need to Use Overfeeds with Flexible Dip Nibs

Por Charles Ackerman

When you draw with a large flexible dip nib in a fountain pen, we strongly recommend that you use an overfeed. Dip nibs lack a...

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Lines Drawn With Various Dip Nibs

Lines Drawn With Various Dip Nibs

Por Charles Ackerman

Someone recently asked if we could post examples of lines drawn with various dip nibs so they could determine what nibs would work best for...

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